Constitution and Bylaws
View/download this file: BSUWC Constitution and Bylaws, April 2018
Revised April 2018
The name of this organization shall be the BSU Women's Club.
The purpose of this group shall be to promote a spirit of friendliness, to provide social interaction, and to stimulate and support culture and scholarship in the academic community.
ARTICLE III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this group shall be open to spouses/partners and women members of:
Active and retired faculty members and administrative, professional, and staff personnel.
Other personnel who are funded from outside sources and retirees.
Friends who have been or are affiliated with Ball State University (e.g. alumni, previous employees, parents, community members).
Section 2. No woman shall lose her membership by virtue of retirement or divorce from or death of a spouse.
Section 3. Those who are eligible for membership but are on campus for less than an academic year may participate as guests of the organization.
Section 4. The Executive Board may recommend honorary membership for an individual who has given extraordinary service to the organization. Honorary members are to be included in the yearbook, invited to all functions, and exempt from dues.
Section 1. The amount of annual dues for all members shall be determined by the Executive Board at the last executive meeting prior to the April election. Additional contributions can be made toward the scholarship fund at any time.
Section 2. Yearbooks will be distributed to all current dues-paying members. Payment of dues will be accepted throughout the year from all members.
Section 3. Members are eligible to participate in interest groups upon payment of annual BSU Women’s Club dues.
Section 4. The dues shall be used for operating expenses, entertainment and programs throughout the year. Preparation of a budget by the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer shall be completed by the first Board meeting of the fiscal year. Approval of the budget and allocation of funds shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board.
Section 5. The fiscal year of the club shall be July 1 through June 30.
ARTICLE V. Officers
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office shall be for one year – or until successors are elected – except that the term of office for Treasurer shall be for two years. Officers may hold only one office. New officer terms begin on May 1.
Section 2. The president shall appoint a nominating committee of five members consisting of a past President, the Membership Chair, two members who have participated for over five years, and one member who has participated for under five years. This committee shall be announced at the fall business meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the annual meeting in April. The slate of nominations will be submitted to the President and voted on at the April meeting.
Section 3. Elections shall be held at the annual meeting in April. At that meeting the nominating committee shall present a slate of candidates. Nominations may also be made from the floor. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those voting.
Section 4. A vacancy in any elected office shall be constituted for cause of resignation, neglect of duty, or illness. The Executive Board shall reactivate the nominating committee to present a list of candidates from which the Board will appoint a successor.
ARTICLE VI. Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall:
Convene and preside over all meetings and Executive Board meetings.
Be the official representative of the organization.
Appoint members of the Executive Board.
Convene an Executive Board meeting before June 30 of each year.
Serve as a member of the audit committee.
Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
Designate the Vice-President to act as her representative in the event she is unable to fulfill a duty because of illness or other emergency.
Be authorized to sign checks when necessary.
Send an invitation to eligible women to encourage their membership before the beginning of the new year.
Keep Executive Board standing rules on file.
Assist the Vice-President and Treasurer in preparing the budget.
Section 2. The Vice President shall:
Succeed the President upon completion of her term as Vice President.
Assume the duties of the President if, for any reason, the President is unable to fulfill her duties.
Act as Chair of the Program Committee and select a committee to help plan the yearly meetings.
Prepare a calendar of events for inclusion in the yearbook.
Assist the President and Treasurer in preparing a budget for the coming year to be presented at the first Board meeting of the fiscal year.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
Take minutes of all general meetings and Executive Board meetings and make them available to the membership upon request and post them on the BSUWC website.
Provide a copy of the minutes for the President within 2 weeks of each Board meeting and general meeting.
Provide copies of the bylaws at the joint Executive Board meeting and for the membership upon request.
Notify Executive Board members of all called meetings and conduct the correspondence of the organization, except as otherwise provided.
Present the minutes of previous meetings in oral or written form at each business and Executive Board meeting.
Keep minutes in typed form for the preceding three years. Deposit all previous minutes in the Ball State University Archives.
Keep Executive Board standing rules on file.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
Collect annual dues from each member and provide receipts. Forward membership forms to the database chair.
Keep all financial accounts.
Keep records and file tax returns as required for a not-for-profit organization. Confer with audit committee on procedures and policies.
Pay bills promptly and provide a monthly statement of expenditures to the President.
Receive written financial reports from all Chairs after each function.
Together with the President and Vice-President, prepare and present a budget to the Executive Board by the first meeting of the new year.
Present a financial report at each business meeting and provide a summary of the financial status at board meetings.
Forward donations to the Scholarship Fund to the Ball State University Foundation for deposit in Account #30067. At the end of each fiscal year, any available cash exceeding $1,000 shall be put in the BSUWC Scholarship Fund.
Section 5. A vacancy shall be constituted in any elected office when the officer fails to comply with any of the specific duties listed for each office in Article VI.
ARTICLE VII. Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall be composed of not more than 16 members, to include the President; the Vice President; the Secretary; the Treasurer; the immediate past-President; the Chairs of all standing committees; one At-large Member, with preference given to a woman who has been a member for less than 5 years; one At-large Member, with preference given to a woman who has been a member for over 25 years; and two unrestricted At-large Members.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet at least four times each year, adopt the calendar of events for the year, and serve as an advisory council for the President.
Section 3. The Executive Board shall review and adopt the annual budget as presented by the President, Treasurer, and Vice-President at the first board meeting of the new year. The board shall have the responsibility of monitoring income and expenditures in a manner appropriate for a non-profit organization.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall maintain standing rules for all Executive Board members to be kept in the files of the President and Secretary.
Section 5. The joint Executive Board shall consist of the current Executive Board and the incoming Executive Board.
ARTICLE VIII. Committees
Section 1. There shall be the following standing committees: Audit, Communications, Courtesy, Events, Hospitality, Interest Groups, Membership, and Scholarship. The President shall appoint special committees as needed.
Section 2. The President shall appoint a Chair for each of the standing committees. The
Chair of the standing committees shall select their own co-chair and committee members as needed.
Section 3. Duties of Standing Committees.
The Audit Committee shall include an appointed chair, the President and the Treasurer. The chair will certify the Treasurer’s year-end financial report and advise the treasurer on requirements for record keeping and for filing consistent with the club's non-profit status.
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for disseminating information to the members, utilizing available technologies including, but not limited to, email, social media, the Web site, and published newsletters. The chair of this committee shall be considered the Club Historian, and shall see that pertinent records are submitted to the Archives of the BSU Library.
The Courtesy Committee shall send notes of good cheer, congratulations, or condolence as the occasion requires. The committee may send a memorial to the BSUWC Scholarship Fund in the amount of $25 on the death of a member. Other appropriate memorials may be made.
The Events Committee shall coordinate the program of activities for the year.
The Hospitality Committee shall welcome prospective members, host newcomer’s functions, and encourage active membership.
The Interest Groups shall provide opportunities for members to pursue special interests and hobbies. All Interest Groups shall have their own programs which shall be coordinated with the BSU Women's Club general program. Each Interest Group coordinator shall submit a written report of the year's activities and the name of the coordinator for the coming year to the Interest Group Chair by May 1, or by the date of the joint Board meeting, whichever is earlier. Fundraising for outside organizations or projects by any interest group is prohibited.
The Membership Committee shall organize and coordinate the membership drive and maintain the membership database, producing the yearbook at the beginning of the year. A copy of the yearbook shall be filed with the Communications Chair, in her role as Club Historian.
The Scholarship Committee is responsible for advertising the scholarship and distributing announcements about eligibility and application procedures. The members will review and rank all applicants, interview the top candidates, and select and announce the scholarship recipient(s). The scholarship recipient(s) shall be the guest(s) of the organization at one of its meetings. The Scholarship Committee may recommend and conduct a fundraising project, if needed, to support the BSUWC Scholarship Program, with approval from the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Chair of each standing committee shall be required to present a written report to the current President before May 1 or at the joint Board meeting, whichever is earlier. The President will distribute copies to new officers and for archives.
ARTICLE IX. Scholarship Fund
Section 1. The Scholarship Fund is established for the purpose of providing scholarships to non-traditional Ball State University students who are selected by the Scholarship committee.
Section 2. Ball State Foundation Account #30067 has been established for the Scholarship Fund. All contributions are tax deductible.
Section 3. The Scholarship Fund will be supported through voluntary contributions, special gifts, memorials, special fund raising activities, etc.
Section 4. One scholarship award each year will be named in memory of Bernadette Perham, co-chair and member of the Scholarship Committee.
Section 5. One scholarship award each year, beginning in 2000-2001, will be named in honor of Sandra Worthen for her dedicated involvement in establishing the Scholarship Fund.
Section 6. One scholarship award each year, beginning in 2007-2008, will be named in memory of Margaret Bumb for her longtime dedication and service on the BSUWC Scholarship Committee.
ARTICLE X. Meetings
Section 1. This organization shall have at least two regular meetings a year at which business may be transacted. The annual meeting shall be in April at which time officers shall be elected, officer reports shall be given, and any and all business may be transacted.
Section 2. The quorum for a business meeting shall be thirty (30) members.
ARTICLE XI. Dissolution
Section 1. In case of Voluntary Dissolution
The Executive Board must adopt a resolution by a majority of the members proposing that the corporation be voluntarily dissolved, and directing that the dissolution proposal be submitted to a vote of the members entitled to vote on such matter.
Written notice of the members meeting (which may be an annual or special meeting) must note that one of the purposes of the meeting is to consider the not-for-profit corporation’s voluntary dissolution. Such notice must be given at least 20 days and not more than 60 days in advance of the meeting date.
At the meeting, if a quorum is present, whether in person or by written notice of proxy, the dissolution proposal will be voted on by ballot and must be approved by a two-thirds vote.
Section 2. Plan of Dissolution. The board shall transfer the club assets to the organizations as listed herein.
All debts and obligations shall be paid, discharged or adequate provision shall be made for them.
Distribution of any funds remaining after payment of indebtedness shall be made to the BSU Women’s Club Scholarship Fund, Ball State Foundation Account #30067.
All club documents and records shall be distributed to BSU Archives and Special Collections.
All remaining assets of the club shall be distributed to the Back to School Teacher’s Store, Inc., or similar, as determined by the board.
ARTICLE XII. Revision of the Constitution and By-laws
Section 1. This Constitution and By-laws may be amended and revised by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment or revision has been given at the previous regular meeting or through a newsletter.
Section 2. Every third year, or as needed, a committee shall be appointed by the President to consider the revision of the Constitution and By-laws. The committee can be, but is not limited to, the current president, and four (4) past presidents.
ARTICLE XIII. Parliamentary Authority
The rules of parliamentary procedure shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, subject to the special rules which may be adopted by the organization.